University Ministries

The 办公室 of University Ministries equips students as they prepare for a lifetime of engaging the culture 和 changing the world. Our aim is holistic formation in students — spiritually, intellectually, 和 vocationally.

Components of our mission

Together, we view the following as essential components of our mission:

  • 敬拜, reminding us who God is, what God has done for us, who we are as a community, 和 what we are called to do in the world.
  • 门徒, committing to individual 和 corporate habits by which students learn about 和 practice what it means to follow Christ.
  • 和解, participating in God’s work of reconciling all things in Christ, whether personal or communal, physical or spiritual, 本地或全局.     


Under the direction of Lisa Ishihara, SPU’s campus chaplain, UMin comprises two departments:

The John 帕金斯中心 develops global urban student leaders 和 supports organizations 和 institutions by modeling reconciliation 和 contributing to community health 和 wholeness. Students have opportunities to learn 和 serve in global 和 social topics, develop relationships with local organizations, 和 engage critical reflection 和 dialogue through academic partnerships.

Campus Ministries staff serve as SPU’s campus pastors, helping students build lasting relationships 和 discover how their lives fit into God’s plan for the world. Campus Ministries programs focus on gathering in worship 和 learning a lifestyle of 门徒.

Through the 办公室 of University Ministries, the 帕金斯中心Campus Ministries collaborate with curricular 和 co-curricular departments to encourage growth in all aspects of students’ lives. The UMin also partners with ministries 和 organizations locally, 在全国范围内, 和 globally so students have additional resources 和 opportunities.

Overhead of Students Praying

Campus Ministries

As campus pastors, we work hard to offer students a wide range of opportunities for worship, 门徒, 和 reconciliation at 西雅图 Pacific.


The 帕金斯中心

Founded in 2004, the John 帕金斯中心 — a partnership among the 约翰·珀金斯 Foundation of Jackson, 密西西比州, 西雅图 Pacific University, 和 Christian community leaders — equips students to model reconciliation 和 contribute to community health 和 wholeness.